This voucher is valid for a very special, private 1-2-1 three-hour cookery masterclass at our private home kitchen. We work with the voucher recipient to create a bespoke menu based on their personal preferences.
This voucher is valid for a very special, private one to one 3 hour cookery class at our private home kitchen. (Our North London kitchen is based in Enfield close to the M25).
I work with you to create a bespoke 4 dish menu based on your personal preferences and the class can be arranged at a suitable date and time for you. You will also be able to enjoy what you make at the end of the class or take it home with you. We provide absolutely everything from ingredients to instruction allowing you to simply turn up on the day! Please note, this is an E – Voucher and will be emailed to you. Valid for 12 months.
If you have any questions before purchasing the voucher please email: ela@cookeatjoy.co.uk